Marketing and Advertising

Arken Digital is a digital marketing agency aiming to help ambitious SMEs and e-commerce stores grow through SEO improvements. They focus on increasing visibility and traffic without resorting to short-term tactics that could harm reputation or ranking. Their team helps locally focussed businesses rank in their local area on Google, in organic search, and on the map.

The Challenge

Before using Sitechecker, Arken Digital faced several challenges:

Tracking how the SEO changes impact keyword rankings

It is essential to understand whether the improvements that you performed on the website influenced the main end goal.  Sometimes the hypothesis might be wrong and it is critical to detect it before it can harm the rankings. 

We weren't able to properly log changes we're making to our client's websites, and it was tough to see how those changes impacted their rankings.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital

Efficient keyword management

When dealing with multiple customers at once it is really easy to get confused among all the keywords you add for tracking on different projects. 

Managing and tracking a large number of keywords across multiple clients was incredibly time-consuming and inefficient.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital


Arken was spending much time generating nice-looking reports for their clients. This could be done automatically, but none of the tools they were using offered such a solution. 

Generating comprehensive and easy-to-understand reports for our clients was a complex and manual process.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital

The Solution

Arken Digital implemented Sitechecker to address these challenges. Here are some of the key solutions that Sitechecker offers:

Rank Tracker with notes

Given the fact that a digital marketing agency needs to know how the positions of the clients react to changes implemented on the website, the feature to leave a comment on a graph was a game-changer. 

Sitechecker allowed them not only to track keywords on multiple projects but also to log changes and see what their influence is. 
Rank tracker notes

The rank tracker allows us to monitor keyword performance daily, weekly, and monthly. The ability to add custom notes and track changes visually helped us understand the impact of our SEO efforts.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital

Insights tool and Search Console integration

The integration with Google Search Console provided valuable insights into the performance of individual pages, making it easier to manage important pages and provide accurate data to clients. 

User-friendly interface

Accuracy and insights are important. But it is really important to provide the best quality interface and reports to the customers. Sitechecker handled this task and provided an appealing interface to simplify the routine for Arken.

The visually pleasing and easy-to-navigate interface made it simpler for our team to log changes, track performance, and generate reports.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital

The Results

The integration of Sitechecker into Aiken’s routine saved much time and effort for their everyday tasks, making it more pleasant to work on clients’ projects. 

The ability to log changes and track their impact in a centralized system significantly reduced the time we spent on manual reporting and keyword tracking.
Sitechecker’s reporting capabilities allowed us to create more comprehensive and visually appealing reports for our clients, which has improved transparency and client satisfaction.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital

In addition, the feature to share the project with a link made it super easy for their client to see the updated information in real time without having to contact Arken directly. 

Being able to share guest links is one of the biggest differences aside from the implementation changes. Giving our clients live links so they can track rankings all the time is massive for us.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital

Twice more Impressions and Clicks

Along with non-obvious improvements to Arken’s working flow, there are some real numbers that the team has achieved after one year of working with Sitechecker.

Richard has shared a screenshot of a graph that clearly shows the 2x rise in the number of clicks and impressions.

2x impressions

Some of our clients have achieved over 100% increase in year-over-year search traffic.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital

The Takeaways

Sitechecker has become a vital tool for Arken Digital. It made their work easier by centralizing the logging of changes and tracking of keyword performance. It helped to reduce the time spent on manual tasks.

Sitechecker platform creates clear and attractive reports that improve Arken client’s experience. The feature allowing clients to access live ranking updates has significantly helped with saving time on communication.

Overall, Sitechecker has increased efficiency, provided useful insights, and delivered better SEO tracking for Arken Digital’s clients.

I'd say I've tried a lot of rank trackers over the years, Sitechecker is the one I've stayed with.
Author quote photo
Richard Kennedy
Founder & CEO at Arken Digital
Arken Digital is a digital marketing agency dedicated to increase visibility and traffic, focus on sustainable practices that avoid short-term tactics. By integrating closely with clients, Arken Digital provides reliable in-house support, creating comprehensive SEO plans that improve online presence and drive business growth.
Web Design, Web Development, SEO
Bristol, United Kingdom
Company size
Favorite tools
Rank Tracker, Insights
Arken achievements:
The visually appealing reports generated by Sitechecker made it easier for Arken Digital to present data to their clients.
The centralized system for logging changes and tracking keywords significantly reduced the manual effort required by Arken Digital.