The most important product updates we made in May 2020.
1. Website Score formula was updated
Now the cost of error isn’t static for all websites. It is calculated for each new crawl and depends on 2 factors: type of error (critical or warning) and how often a specific error occurs on the site. Critical errors take more points than warnings. Popular errors take away more points than rare errors. Notices have no impact on the Website Score.
To learn more on how the new Website Score is calculated use this guide.

2. Limits per account instead of limits per domain
The old subscription plans had limitations set per domain. This limited some users who would like to check more pages, use more keywords, and track more backlinks for one project, rather than splitting them evenly.
Now you have full control over your limit in the account.

3. The maximum number of pages for crawling
Now, in the project settings, you can specify what maximum number of pages on the site you need to crawl. Often you do not know how many pages there are on the site, even approximately. If you do not limit the project to the maximum number of pages, then on a larger site you can exhaust all the limits for the account.

4. Rank Tracker daily digest
In this letter you will receive a short summary of changes in the site’s rankings compared to the previous day. The letter is sent only for projects where you track 5 or more keywords and only for the top 10 keywords by search volume from your list.

5. Rank Tracker weekly rankings insights
The weekly letter is different in content. It consists out of two blocks.
Top 5 keywords with the greatest amplitude of changes
The amplitude of changes is considered for each keyword as the difference between the key position on the last day of the week (Sunday) and the first day of the week (Monday).
Top 5 keywords with the greatest potential
The potential of the keyword is considered for as the result of dividing search volume by the position of the keyword.
A letter is sent every Monday at 10:00 UTC..

6. Rules for email notifications
If you have many projects, then a large number of letters can distract you. Now in the account settings you can specify which product letters and for which projects you would like to receive.

7. Traffic checker inside an app
Previously, our website traffic checker was not available inside the application. Now you can go to the analysis of traffic both your site and competitor sites at any time inside the app.

8. Local rank tracking
This was one of the most popular suggestions for improving Rank Tracker. Now you can track the position of the site within a specific city.

9. Bing, Yahoo, Yandex
Another update in Rank Tracker. Track your site’s rankings, not just on Google.

10. Content monitoring
Inside Site Monitoring, we added a new event – tracking changes in the <body> tag on the first 100 pages of the site. This function is still being tested on different CMS and types of sites. But you already can find it in your account if you have made changes in your content.

We also continue to collect suggestions for improving On Page SEO Checker. Go to the survey and select all the items that you consider valuable to yourself.